Perception Filters

For the “Perception Filters” exhibition, the space and exhibition layout becomes a medium to reflect the nature of human perception.

“Mum, look 4”, acrylics on paper, 42x59 cm

I planned the exhibition as a circle divided into five rooms, with five small black halls in between them.

The twist is that each sector has an identical set of art and furniture inside. The only difference is the museum guides who stand before the entrance, in the halls. The guides radically vary in their looks, age, gender features, and narratives.

As visitors move through the circular path, they repeatedly encounter the same display, but each time through different lenses of different humans and their interpretation.

My goal is to demonstrate that our perception of art, much like our perception of reality, is deeply influenced by the stories we're told and our judgment of appearances.


Go to "Mum, Look" project


Go to "Voices in my head" project